CBM CrossOver Security Switch (COSS)

CBM CrossOver Security Switch (COSS)


CBM CrossOver Security Switch (COSS)

During the last few years, the telecommunications industry has been faced with the formidable challenge of increasing network access security. Now that the colocation of service providers has become a reality, the need to protect console terminal access to every central office switch or network element has become extremely critical. To meet this challenge the installation of sophisticated security servers, that continually authenticate secure ID's for all access, has become commonplace in every central office.

The implementation of strict access control has created another problem for the telco industry. It needed an efficient and cost effective method for bypassing security access just in case an emergency condition arose whereby the normal secure ID authentication process failed. In the event that the security server became inoperable or the communication link was broken, emergency "non-authenticated" access to the console terminal on the central office switch or network element would still be allowed. They not

  only needed a switch that could be used to bypass security, but one that would also send a major alarm to network operations if security was bypassed or the console terminal was disconnected.

The CBM CrossOver Security Switch (COSS) was developed to specifically address the occasional, yet critical need to bypass security on the console terminal of the CO switch.

Security Normal Mode

Normal mode of operation. All console terminal access must be authenticated via the secure ID server.

Security Bypass Mode

In the event of an emergency condition, the bypass switch may be used so that the secure ID access is not required by the console terminal. However, an alarm is set when security is bypassed. The disconnection of any cables from the Crossover Security Switch will also set an alarm.



Security Bypass Mode

In the event of an emergency condition, the bypass switch may be used so that the secure ID access is not required by the console terminal. However, an



terminal. However, an alarm is set when security is bypassed. The disconnection of any cables from the Crossover Security Switch will also set an alarm.


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