DT-6061 Embedded Network Processor

Instant TCP/IP Interface for LMOS Operations System


The DT-6061 or DT-6160 application allows LMOS (Loop Management Operations System) systems to be easily transitioned from Datakit Networks to TCP/IP networks. A single Datakit one shelf node is maintained as a TCP/IP Mediation device. Existing application functions, interfaces, and protocols are all preserved in their entirety. Most importantly, the deployment may be accomplished without user interruption, and without change in user procedures.   What are DT-6061 and DT-6160?

The DT-6061 and DT-6160 are embedded Network Processors which applies customer specific protocol operations (protocol translation and termination) of network connections that require such functionality in a distributed network.



In this diagram, any SAM used for remote access would be replaced with a DT-4000.These DT-4000 are used as standalones.That is, they are multi- protocol IP terminal servers without any direct connectivity to any Datakit node. The data is provided connectivity by mediation in the UMI module.

All Datakit nodes, except for the single node at the host site, are no longer required.Transport of data will now occur on the IP infrastructure. These nodes may be removed from service if they have no other function.

The UTM, or any other Datakit Trunk which can be used to access the SAM, is replaced with a UMI module to provide URP to TCP/IP meditation services.This allows complete connectivity to all endpoints through a single module.

A DT-4000 is provided locally to the node to terminate the Bisync printer lines from the BTIM. These connections are then PPD'd through the IP infrastructure to another DT-4000 port on which the printers are actually resident.This allows all DSUs and other dedicated line equipment to be removed in their entirety.

The Control Computer Complex console, and the UMI console, are connected to ports on the DT-4000. This allows IP/TCP/telnet access to all configuration points of the interface.

User procedures are the same as before. A user at an asynchronous terminal would dial the address of the AtoB application at the DT-4000 Destination prompt. This would connect the DT-4000 to the UMI module. The UMI would then set up a call to the AtoB DKAP application.The data transport from this point forward is identical to the preconversion scenario.

An asynchronous printer would reside on a DT-4000 user port. When the DKAP AtoB application makes its PDD to the UMI, the UMI will in turn make a PDD to

  the DT-4000 port on which the printer resides.This operation is identical to the original preconversion deployment.The difference is that the AtoB PDD now resides as a UMI mediation session.The data transport from this point forward is identical to the preconversion scenario.

A BiSynchronous printer would have its link connected directly to a port on the DT-4000 configured for either EBCDIC Bisync ar ASCII BiSync as necessary. The DT-4000 port would be PPD'd to another DT-4000 port at the host site configured identically. The host site DT-4000 port is then connected to the BTIM port for that printer. The data transport from this point forward is identical to the pre-conversion scenario.

A TN3270 client would access the IP infrastructure directly to the UMI.The UMI would then connect the TN3270 client to the TN3270 DKAP application.The TN3270 DKAP application works identically to the AtoB DKAP application except for a specialized client set instead of a generic terminal.

If connectivity to another operations system is required (e.g. MLT, Craft Access, etc.), this connectivity is also completely provided by the IP infrastructure. On a per virtual circuit basis, the LMOS host would make a Datakit call to the UMI as if it were an endpoint on a Datakit network.The UMI will mediate that Datakit call onto the IP infrastructure and make a TCP/IP call to the destination endpoint. If the destination endpoint is also a Datakit based operations system, the TCP/IP call will terminate on a second UMI.That second UMI would then make a Datakit call setup to the operations system. Neither UMI is required to be local to the operations system they support. new stuff


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