Unervsal Trunk

Universal Trunk - Send your BNS Traffic
over IP, Frame Relay or ATM Networks


As IP, ATM and Frame Relay Networks grow, the need for BNS2000/BNS-2000 VCS networks decreases.The Universal Trunk is a BNS-2000/BNS-2000 VCS module that allows the customer to seamlessly migrate these legacy networks.

With the Universal Trunk, the customer can employ more cost-effective interconnection facilities between nodes and other BNS-2000/BNS-2000 VCS components using IP, Frame Relay or ATM Networks rather than traditional-and costly-leased line services.

The Universal Trunk permits the movement of the BNS- 2000 products toward the network edge. This is implemented by interconnecting BNS-2000/BNS-2000 VCS Nodes with other BNS-2000/BNS-2000 VCS Nodes, Remote Shelves and SAM devices over different backbone networks such as IP, ATM, and Frame Relay.

  What is the Universal Trunk?

The Universal Trunk is a fully integrated BNS-2000/BNS- 2000 VCS module. It supports interconnection with other BNS-2000/BNS-2000 VCS nodes, remote shelves (MPCs) and all types of SAMs.

The Universal Trunk supports an IP infrastructure interface that is compatible with an IP-DSU. It also supports an RS-530 interface with both DDS and Frame Relay protocol support at serial rates up to T1.ATM networks are supported via an RJ48C at T1 or E1 rates.

The Universal Trunk is a companion product to the DT- 4000 and supports the same trunking interfaces.The Universal Trunk may also be installed in SAM64s/504s to upgrade their trunking options.

SNMP Manager Administration

The Universal Trunk contains an SNMP agent which may be queried by one or more SNMP managers. It also supports sending SNMP Trap messages to a predefined SNMP manager.



Field Software Support

Field software updates, which can occur from a remote location, take place while the Universal Trunk is in service and transporting data. As new features and enhancements come out, you can upgrade the Universal Trunk software just by upgrading to a new software release using an industry standard Telnet application or serial RS232-C connection to the Universal Trunk.


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